Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well, I am not doing so good with my "29 days" experiment. As shameful as it is to admit, I have missed a few days. I hope it's not because I am THAT self absorbed. I feel there just isnt always a moment to do something noticeable for someone else. Although, maybe the issue is finding ways to be sneaky about giving to others, not finding ways to be acknowledged for good or kind deeds. Maybe it's in the extra time taken to hold open a door for someone, go to lunch with a friend even when you really dont have the time, or offering to drive using YOUR gas. Maybe it's being excited for your friend's good news - even if you're not crazy about the news. Maybe it's going to a planned event even if you're not totally psyched for it - just going because someone planned it. I can't let myself think that the only way to do something for someone costs money or is tangible. I really believe that just listening to them rant about the same issues with the same boy or sending a nice text message can make the biggest difference in someone's day.

Yesterday my roommate Carrie had her first published story in the Tech paper. She loves writing and having a story published is a huge deal for her. So, as one of my 29 things (I guess this is number 3 that I have tracked?), I cut the article out and put it on the fridge. Maybe just seeing it up there will make her smile on a regular basis - there's a kind deed that carries on day after day.

1 comment:

  1. So, how many things have you done now?
    Kinda dropped off the face of the blogosphere, haven't you?
