Friday, December 4, 2009

livin' large.

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Well, actually today it is quite GORGEOUS outside. It has been below freezing all week, snowy, windy, and gloomy. Today we are blessed with some sunshine and semi-clear skies! Christmas wreathes, lights, bows, and music are flooding throughout town and everyone seems to have that holiday glow about them. I LOVE the month of December. I love that we have lights on all the houses and buildings - why can't we have pretty lights all year around? Or at least while it's cold out? They just warm up the cold night air!

Today I am sitting in J&B - my favorite local joint and the only place I can go to study, other than my house. Obviously, I am taking a study break. Finals loom in the weeks ahead and it is just so daunting to look at my class' review. The knowledge that I will soon be expected to regurgitate information on food safety and sanitation, food borne illnesses and the bacteria/toxins/viruses that cause them, etc is somewhat scary to me. Especially when there are so many movies to be seen, people to invest time in, and holiday flavors to enjoy! So, I worked on one assignment and have now decided to spend my time in a more productive way: blogging.

This semester has been a long, hard journey for me. All semester, I wanted it to be over - I have hated these last few months. Granted, I have had many fun and precious moments. Bachelorette parties and 21st birthdays celebrated, welcoming 70 new girls into ADPi, a few trips to Marfa - there have definitely been some good moments. But, this was also the semester when life decided to hit me in the face. My best friend and partner in crime was diagnosed with aggressive Lymphoma. He has spent the majority of the last three months in hospitals, connected to various machines and medications. Our phone-chatting has become a rare occassion - when you are accustomed to talking to someone on an hourly basis, that is a life-altering experience. He is sick and there is nothing that I can do but pray and be strong for him. Or so I thought...

My newest goal and hobby, if you will, is training for a 1/2 marathon. I researched runs put on in order to raise money for Lymphoma research and promote awareness of blood cancers. I stumbled upon the Big D Marathon...occurring on April 11, 2010. The run will be in Dallas - how convenient since John lives and is being treated in Fort Worth! I might not be able to heal my best friend or really do anything but keep our relationship normal. I might not be able to be with all the time like I want to do. BUT, he loves to run and made it a huge part of his life for many years. We used to share our running experiences together and talk on the phone as we commuted to early morning workouts. He runs on a much higher level than I ever had but we always shared that together. Right now, John is not running. He is enjoying a lazy lifestyle and getting to finally eat whatever, whenever, he so desires. I am currently training for the Big D 1/2 Marathon. I have gotten up to 5 miles of consecutive running...just 8 more to go!

If I can't be with him or make him better, I can dedicate my time and energy (and also gain a rockin' bod...or so I hope) to raising money for research and hopefully finding a cure to Lymphoma. If you would like to help with the financial part, I will be getting back to yall with information...when I know more!

So, though I have finals to worry about, I am excited for this semester to be over. As the leaves continue to drop from trees, I am ready to "turn a new leaf" and start afresh. That's the lovely part of college - each semester is a fresh start. I am ready to achieve my goal of running 15 miles, to spend a few weeks with family and friends from my childhood, and to live large - largely in love, largely in holiday celebrations, and largely as I remember the gift of Life and Love that baby Jesus provided so many years ago.

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